Monday, February 6

Supplier Showcase Jim Poyner Photographer

I am aiming to bring you some mini interviews with top local wedding suppliers over the coming months.  To kick this off in style and with a smile is the wonderful and talented photographer Mr Jim Poyner!

Name and Company Name
Jim Poyner Photography
How long have you been in business?
Full time 8 years

How would you describe your style?
Informal, professional, passionate, perfectionist

What inspired you to start a career in photography? My Uncle when I was 11

How long do you normally spend at a wedding?

What is your favourite piece of technical kit?

My eyes
What doyou love so much about photography?
Its ability to create memories

Which celebrity couple would you most like to photograph?  

Not my thing

What would be your ideal couple to photograph?

Relaxed, unpretentious, fun loving and inlove

Do you have a favourite photographer and why?

No, constantly finding new ones to love

What are your plans for the next 2 years?

Learn basic sign language, italian & japanese for upcoming weddings

What in your opinion makes the perfect photo?

One that makes the viewer want to cry from happiness
What is your biggest achievement so far with your photography?

Having such a crowd of wonderful clients

What advice would you give to a couple when choosing their photographer?

If you fits the "ideal couple" bit above, book me :o)

What advice would you give to the couple for their wedding day?

Enjoy it, don't stress it

What is a typical 'day in the life of' for you?

Thank goodness theres no such thing - with my own company and 3 small children everyday is a suprise

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I am doing my favourite hobby every day

What do you least enjoy about your job? 

Early starts

What is your favourite photograph and why? 

Changes every day

If you were not a photographer what would you be doing?

Probably community arts

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